Pediatric Orthoses

Our practitioners are pediatric specialists, they are able to perform under high stress situations while making sure the patient is comfortable and stress free.


We understand that caring for children is vastly different than treating adults. Our practitioners are devoted to treating patients ranging from infants to adolescents. C.O.S.I  offers a full-range of rehabilitation products and services, including custom solutions for conditions such as Idiopathic toe walking, muscular dystrophy, scoliosis and cerebral palsy.


Custom AFOs // SMOs // Night Splints

Why did my doctor prescribe my child AFOs, SMOs, and/or Night Splints?

Conditions can range from foot issues to genetic disorders that impact the body’s ability to grow without orthotic support.

Some common conditions that require orthotic treatment include but not limited to:

// Foot pronation // Foot supination //Leg and foot spasticity // Hip dysplasia // Foot or ankle mal- alignment // Severe metatarsus adductus // Tibial torsion // Clubfoot



Scoliosis // Fracture Orthosis // Custom TLSO


My doctor prescribed a custom TLSO for my child, whats the next step?

Our trained practitioners will look at the X-Rays and then take measurements for the custom TLSO. We make sure to make this fun and have the child involved in pick out the different transfers so they feel comfortable wearing this brace. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will give instructions on the length of time the child needs to wear the brace depending on the severity of the condition.

What about scoliosis?

It is most often seen in children between the ages of 10 and 18, the child could be born with it or it could develop later on in life.

Some possible causes can include: Nervous system problems like cerebal palsy or muscular dystrophy // Inherited conditions that tend to run in families // Differences in leg lengths // Injury // Infection // Tumors

Our goal is to fit a custom TLSO that will stop the curve from getting worse and prevent deformity.


Infant / Newborn


What is a Pavlov Harness? How does a Pavlov Harness help my newborn?

Instead of casting, your doctor would prescribe a Pavlov Harness for your newborn. This is for hip dislocation/subluxation in newborns. The Pavlov Harness is used to hold a position of femoral flexion and abduction to properly maintain the femoral head within the acetabulum.

What is a Dobbs Brace?

The Dobbs Brace was developed by Matthew Dobbs, MD, orthopedic surgeon at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The Dobbs Brace is for the treatment of both clubfoot and vertical talus. The specially designed bar allows active movement, preserves muscle strength in the foot and ankle and is less restrictive than traditional fixed bars.

Our practitioners are well versed on fitting these orthoses on newborns and infants. We communicate with the hospital staff how to properly don and doff the orthoses as well as educating the parents.